You may receive a request from your case worker. If you do, please complete the paperwork as soon as possible. If you have a life change, you are required to contact your local MDHHS caseworker to inform them of the change. Life changes include:
- Name change
- Address change
- Income change. This include pay rate, employer, hours worked per week if more than a 5 hour difference, if anyone stops getting Social Security, pension changes, child support changes, or any unearned income change more than $50 since the last reported change.
- Job starts, changes and stops
- Changes in the number of people living in your home. This includes having a new baby.
- Shelter expenses. This includes rent receipt, mortgage payment, property tax bill, home owner insurance, heat, electric, phone and water.
- Work Related Activities. You must report if anyone in your household participated in approved employment-related activities such as Work Participation program, High School completion, GED or College.
- Child Care or Disabled Adult Care. You must report any need for, or change in, child care or disabled adult.
- You should report such changes as buying, selling, giving away, transferring, or receiving any assets. This includes bank accounts, land, cars and other vehicles, boats, life insurance, investments, lawsuit settlements and any other property.
- Health insurance changes
- Medical expenses
- School attendance