• Health & Wellness

    McLaren Health Plan cares about you and your family. That is why we have many free wellness programs and services and encourage our members to get preventive health screenings whenever they are recommended by your doctor.

    Additional health information is free on WebMD. Interactive tools are provided to help you manage your health.

    Self-Management Tools

    McLaren Health Plan offers our members evidence-based self-management tools that help you determine risk factors, provide guidance on health issues, help to improve health and reduce risk, and maintain low risk. These tools are interactive and focus on wellness and prevention. You can also speak to your nurse for additional support by calling 1-888-327-0671.

    McLaren Health Care Events

    McLaren offers a multitude of educational classes, support groups, screenings, seminars and other special events to benefit you and your health.

    View all events

    Behavioral Health Screening

    Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Screening tools are a good way to help you identify concerns to bring to your health care practitioner's attention. This resource offers age-appropriate self-screening tools: https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools/.

    HIV Prevention

    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medicine that can be taken to reduce a person's chances of getting HIV from sex or sharing drug injection equipment. PrEP is for people who do not have HIV but have the chance of getting it. When someone taking PrEP is exposed to HIV through sex or sharing drug injection equipment, the medicines can keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection. Taking PrEP as prescribed by a health care provider can reduce the chances of getting HIV by up to 99% from sex and by at least 74% from sharing drug injection equipment. 

    Medication also can be taken following a possible exposure to HIV to help prevent transmission of the virus. In such cases, the medications are referred to as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Both PrEP and PEP can be prescribed by a doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.

    To learn more and read stories from real people in Michigan who are using PrEP to prevent HIV, visit MIPrEP MIChoice.

    Maintenance of a healthy weight

    Tobacco Cessation

    Promoting physical activity

    Eating healthy

    Managing stress

    Avoiding at-risk drinking

    Identifying depressive symptoms